Thursday, January 30, 2014

Maybe I lost touch with food reality

We, in general, probably lost touch with food reality. 

I was lucky enough to live 18 years being part of a family-owned small farm in a tropical island. There, we raise animals for food and planted vegetables and fruits to eat. I was raised eating wholesome foods, non processed and seasonally. And we also practice the old fashioned trade with neighbors. My dad butchered pigs once per year, sometimes on request also, and we made sausages and dried the meat. In theory I even know how to do it. If I ever absolutely have to do it; must be done humanely in one stroke. We raised ducks, laying hens and ate that. My dad planted corn to grind to feed them as supplement. Mostly they ate veggie peels and worms! 

The next door neighbor supplied fresh milk in exchange for eggs. I used to complain about the smell of the milk or eggs but wow do I miss that now!!! My dad used their droppings to fertilize the garden. Wow I hated to help scrape that cow manure or chicken manure~~~yuck!! Now I go to a farm to source the chicken manure and cow manure! My dad must be laughing each time I make a face now. His laughter rings in my ears each time I haul a bag of stinky horse poo from Littleton . Occasionally around May I also go beg for coffee grinds at Starbucks for extra nitrogen. Anything I can use without raising rabbits. Wait.... they are cute! Why not? Maybe next year? Can someone help me butcher them? 

We ate what was in season. Wild fruits were plenty. We ate guava and bananas instead of candy. Coconut water and fruit year around. We had 2 seasons: in summer you had mango and avocado and the winter time was oranges and citrus. Once a year the pineapples. To this day, I don't feel like eating oranges until....DECEMBER. 

My first time drinking soda was 15 years old. It was a treat from dad. He likes grape and pineapple soda. Completely fake flavor too. Most we drank natural juices. Also most of the time we ate limber, a frozen treat of fresh juices and cane sugar. Also occasionally we had piraguas; shave iced drizzled with fruit syrup. 

Once in College I still had 75% of the food from home. I carried large quantities of veggies, fruits and juices that were not processed other than "squeezed" or puree pulp of fruit. I was popular with my room mates with my endless supply of fruits and veggies.

As I moved into the modern world after college I started to make bad additions of processed food mostly due to 'lack of time'. With work and all is hard to cook from scratch and oh boy! my body does not agree with it. I never experienced allergy before or skin issues until last few years living in USA. I, of course,as soon as I started to get eczema and asthma reverted to my origins but some of these issues remain! I can not get rid of all the junk (GMO traces, preservatives) that is added to the food. I try to eat mostly what I produce in my yard but still I have to buy food outside. I buy from local farmers. I source my eggs in a small farm. They are not organic but I see the chickens eating worms and food scraps from the farmer veggie patch in the summer time. Since I don't know what they eat in winter time I eat less eggs! I was sourcing my milk in another one that had low temp pasteurization to not destroy the milk proteins but they only have the black and white Holstein cows which has the bad casein....I found one farm that has milk from Jersey cow in Lee but doesn't sell directly to consumers; just wholesale. I am in the look out of Guernsey cows....

Eating organic food is expensive so I think eating seasonally, wholesome and locally is the way to go. 

Have you lost touch too with food reality? 

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